by Mihaela Manolache
Art fairs have become a huge success in terms of exhibiting, promoting, selling, and experiencing art of all genres. Collectors, galleries, curators, and artists meet up in an international creative environment to exchange data and ideas, selling and buying artworks. As a segment of a market chain, art fairs present a broad story about the art market’s history and its cultural impact.
In 2019, statistics registered around 300 fairs around the world, becoming a crucial infrastructure of the global art market. We can say for certainty that art fairs are some of the most popular cultural events where not only dealers and galleries participate. Museum professionals, art lovers, and high-life people join with equal interest in the overall experience — social life, entertainment, profit, connections and innovations. So why are art fairs important today and what is their focus? How did art fairs emerge for the first time and how much of their structure has changed over time?