written by art historian & curator Mihaela Manolache
Philosophers and scientists have been debating since Antiquity how truthful is the life we live and if there is anything forged in it. The question arose because history as we know it might not be the right one but embellished due to political reasons. Mythologies were created around wars and people, creating a halo around them and transforming them into living legends until the end of time. Likewise, our everyday life is being flooded with all kinds of ”historical facts” and ”heroes”. In comparison to the past, when news spread slower today we benefit from the internet and the digitalisation of our existence. If we do not know something, we search for it on Google, our 24/7 available encyclopedia. If we wish to see places, we look at online pictures. If we want to find out the latest news, we scroll through websites. Everything is at a click away.
Technology is an incredible resource with indisputable advantages. However, because the resource is not controlled in terms of quality and credibility, it is easier than ever to fall victim to fakeness. Fake reports, fake images, fake advertisements, fake campaigns, fake personas, and fake lives. Each of us is exposed daily to information whose content is not being verified and approved by an authority. Of course, today we live in a free world where…