We often question our lifestyle to find answers related to who we are and what is the meaning of our short presence in this world. Sometimes society provides for us, someone tells us since birth what to eat, what to do, where to go, and so on. Other times, some of us try to find answers differently. In the tumultuous history of the United States, there was a time when people inspired people. They looked at their forerunners and did not like what they saw. From private to public life, social constraints diminished the joy of living. One famous generation born just after WWII dared to stand aside and defy society. These are the exhilarating and transforming years dominated by the hippie movement.
The vivid 1960s and 1970s are kept in our memory as the times when people truly felt free and had a choice. This generation succeeded to change the world’s trajectory and encourage social reforms. Their ideology gave birth to a multitude of life approaches — meaningful, healthier, thoughtful. Born to promote peace, individualism, and ecology, the hippy movement made it to the front page of the papers and had an important role in defining a new type of society —…